An update on whats been happening: Busy busy busy.
I am part of a group exhibition in March at the Moonee Ponds Incinerator. The show is titled the Eternal Fire, and I’m going to be showing my Bootleg Art Recordings! It’s going to be a fun show.
I am also working with some people on a record for the RPM Challenge. Basically, the idea is that you have a month to make a record that is either 35 minutes long or 10 tracks and the theme is Kitchen. Fun! The only hiccup has been that I made a mistake with the dates it’s for February not January, and I started in January I guess I'm just extra prepared!
Other stuff that’s been happening is looking at options for future study! I recently purchase some of these :
JBL LSR2325 -
They are a huge step up from what I have been using. I could blab about why that is but all I need to say is; they make it possible to hear more than before.
So happy New Year and all that bollocks. I look forward to another productive year.